Securing Microsoft Azure Access

Secure your cloud environment and provide remote and mobile employees with private network access to Microsoft Azure applications.

3000+ Customers Secured

Move to Microsoft Azure with Confidence

By utilizing a Zero Trust model based on Identity Providers including Azure AD and others, Perimeter 81 enables secure, policy-based resource access. Now IT teams relying on Azure will have access to a variety of essential networking and security tools in a single platform, eliminating tool sprawl and providing a one-stop-shop for network security.

Cost-Effective Compliance

Accurately reported event logs and nonstop monitoring are fundamental to meeting compliance standards. Log and audit traffic for compliance reporting at the instance level. Our centralized management console identifies important security events and makes compliance easier than ever before.

Simple Cloud Migration

Migrating to the cloud can be intimidating. Our instant security infrastructure can be deployed within minutes, ensuring your corporate data is never exposed. You can even save money by cutting costs with Azure’s data centers while maintaining the highest standard of security with Perimeter 81.

Segmented Resource Access

With least privilege access for all users, you can limit permissions to cloud resources, ensuring that serves only communicate with authorized systems, users, and devices. This reduction in the attack surface means cyber criminals can no longer move laterally across the network in the event of a data breach.

End-to-End Encryption

Perimeter 81 Encrypts all transmitted data with AES 256-bit bank-level encryption. For additional security, we also independently manage encryption keys and implement Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) in which we rotate the encryption keys every 60 minutes.

Actionable intelligence 

Sophisticated monitoring includes detailed, auditable reports with analytics and data that detects suspicious or malicious activity on your network. While IT staff receives thousands of daily events from appliances and applications, Perimeter 81 reduces alert fatigue by providing complete visibility into the network.

Secure Remote Access

Today, employees access the network from endless endpoints. Whether it’s BYOD, remote workers, or traveling employees. Perimeter 81 allows limitless remote connection to your network with granular user access controls.

How Perimeter 81 Works with Microsoft Azure

  • Enable users to quickly and easily access on-premises and cloud resources, as well as web applications, through our authentication service.
  • IT is able to enjoy smart security analytics capabilities and live threat intelligence across their networks and applications.

Learn How to Secure Microsoft Office 365 with Perimeter 81 and Azure AD Conditional Access

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