What’s New in Perimeter 81
Learn more about our latest features and improvements
Malware Protection
Protect your users from ransomware, trojans, rootkits, zero-day exploits, and more.

Bandwidth Reports
Filter gateway user data by network, region, and gateway to see bandwidth usage over time.
Firewall as a Service
Our new Firewall-as-a-Service feature gives you granular control of network access and resources.
Latest Updates
Active Sessions
Get detailed insights about connected members across your network with the new Active Sessions report in your Monitoring Dashboard!
Redundant Tunnels
Redundant tunnels allow for higher network availability and better performance. Connect multiple gateways to your essential resources as part of your secure network configuration.
Smoother SSO
Users can now sign in with a single click using their preferred Identity Provider, without entering their email. IdP links now appear directly in the login screen, providing easy SSO access.
New DPC Posture Checks
Users can now sign in with a single click DPC can now check for Windows Security Center statuses (Windows), Active Directory domain associations (Windows), and OS version (Windows and Mac).
SCIM Integration
Users can now sign in with a single click Available for all Enterprise customers, SCIM allows you to automatically provision, update and deprovision users based on changes in Okta or Azure AD.
API Integration
The API supports our platform’s major security functions, empowering network administrators to create groups, assign members, and more via third-party services and applications.
New Support Portal
The new support portal includes easy support ticket submission, a unified view of your open and closed support tickets, and links to other helpful information.
DPC: Support for Linux and multiple processes
Device Posture Check now includes Linux support and the ability to check the presence of any antivirus through the new device posture “process running” rule.
Agent 7 for Android and new Linux distributions
Agent 7 is now available for Android (which can also be used on Chromebook) as well as additional Linux distributions including RedHat, CentOS, and Fedora.
Trusted Wired Networks for Mac and Windows
In User Configuration settings, you can now specify trusted networks according to a specific router’s MAC address. These networks will not require a VPN connection, even if Always On is enabled.
Zero Trust Application Access: New security measures for RDP and VNC
Now, when defining an application for Zero Trust Application Access, you have the ability to block copy/paste or printing from an RDP application and to block copy/paste from a VNC application.
Silent Update
Now, when defining an application for Zero Trust Application Access, you have the Enabling “Silent Update” for Perimeter 81 Windows, Mac, and Linux desktop agents will allow your network agents to update without user intervention, while the application is not in use and not connected to the VPN.
Support Access
Support Access allows the admin or manager of your Perimeter 81 platform to assign a Support Access role with a set duration which would allow a support technician from Perimeter81 to login in as one or several of the network’s users without requiring their credentials.
Multiple IdPs of the Same Type
Admins can now configure integration with the same identity provider more than once. The new capability supports Azure AD, GSuite, and LDAP integration.
DNS Filtering: Dynamic categories
Perimeter 81 DNS filtering categories (such as gaming, social media, explicit websites and more) are now updated dynamically on a daily basis